The Simplicity of Goo. Indeed the a6t contracts the guilt, becaufe die · )uil: is then growne up to an height, fo that it iSc: come to an abfolute will and execution. There~ fore, if thefe luftings doe preffe into the foule 2 wee,lhould put them out againe,and reject them· , with lha~e and griefe : for GO·o if a Spirit·., and beholds the continual! behaviour of thy : fpirit. . · · Againe, the injury which yQUoffer to others-, though in it felfe it beea great finne, yet that · inward brooding oftt in thy heart,plotting mif– chiefe, that boiles.within-thee, whi-le it bateheth .rancour and revenge; this-is that \Vhicshhe hates– though thou f.beuldeft never~ommitany a6htaf1 · 1•·4·f• finoetbis way. l6m.4. 5· you have this phra(e · ufed, The luft. ofthe fpirit to envie : that is, the bent 0fthe fpirit, and inclinationof.the minde; which lookes upon the gifts ofothers, that out– tbine them, fo that they lull: to have that light put out, that their candle might appeare above 1 it ; though theyact nothing, yet this is abomi · nab le to-him.. .. · 3 1\eafons or And tha~ I might not deliver·tbis without ' co.nfiderations ground, confider: · .pr~~mllt. There is n~thing fopleaGng toGo~as abro.. Ab~okcnfpirit ken hear-t, rr•t. 57'· Now the breakmg of the pl~a!cthGod. heart is norbingelfei but the fevering between~ 9f 11 •·S1· the heart and·fin. As when you fee ·an ~rtifken w:orke, wherein, many parts are glued toge- . tber; t11ould falldowne, or the glue bed'if- · · fQlved , then .they aUbreake to pieces; fowhen . thelufi:s.tbatareinour foules are thus fevered, ··.. this