Go o A Spirilthis pleafeth the Lord:not that the affiittion ofa mans fpirit is pleafingunto theLord, but the fe– paradon of fin fromhis foule,when the foder that . j.oynes a ftn(ull aet.ion and the heart together, ·when this is di!folved,this doth pleafe the.Lord .~ And by. the rule ofcontraries., if t.his .bee true, then it is true on the other fide, that when the fpirki$>gluedbyany lull: to any inordinate thing it is moil: hatefull to God:: and the fironger the lu (lis,the !lronger.iuheglu~,and therforc a man the lnore he is.ty,ed,to this world, and bath fuch ftrong lu fis, the ·more he :bath this.uncleanneffe and pollutionoffpir.it mhim. And therefore as abroken heart is--moll: acceptable to God.~ foa fpirit that is.knit to any inotdinate objeet,by the tliing that.it cleaves to, it becomes rpoft hatefull and abominab le:to him. · T •• Confider, that. although a Ju.fl: ·left at Iiber- ~- , tywhenGo.d harh taken off the chaine, and fuf- Lutl:,s rcftrai.. ·fc • d" h · ' 11 d h ..a. ned a~ hate• '· ers tt .to oe w at 1t w.1 , . ot ~ontravL ·more full eo God a ' guilt, and doth indeed moreburttomaakinde; ,Juftt~c:hadta:C· yet bee that bath a heart as-full ofluH: and filthiliberty. neffe, is no leife abominable, and odious in God~> fi ght., Take aWolfe, that runnes up ancl downe and kills the iheepe, that Wolfe ~ s abominable, Sinlilt~~ .and every o11e crvesout againfi him;-; put awi fe man that fees aWolfetyedup inachaine,hates that a~ much as he did the other: f0r heknowes that he,hath the fame nature, and ,w.ould doe as much hurtifhee were let loofe•. So wee may fay · '1 • •• •• •• ofmen,whofe hearts are full oflufts, Godit may be,,hath tyed them up,, fo ..thatthey breake not f6rth;: 1 T,