Preston - BT100 P8 1634

/ 3', Lutlsofthe fpirit full of thcfpawncef finne. ' lames.p t • £!.!!!,ft· .Anfw. Dire8:ions for clc:anfin~ the fpirit. I Finde out the pollutiGn. forth ; yet thefe Iufis are abominable and hate~ full in his fight, though they doenot (o much ·hurt,nor break fo many commandements.There– .fore let them confider this, that live under good families or good Tutors, ·or in good company, commonly they ate as Wolves tied up,they can- · nor breake forrh·eafily into outward ad:s, it rriay be they are refirained by reafon offome bodies favour that they would not lofe, or the like; but ·yet they give way to the fpirit within, that ran– geth and Iufie~h up and downe; .which isthere 7 fore defiled inGod1. fight. - 3 Confider that [hefe lufis ofthe Spirit, are full ofthe fpawne, and egg~soffin :that is, they aJie the mother fin; they are~ery pregnant with actuall finne. lAm. 4· I ._fromwhencecomes.w1-rru 4nd fightingJ 11mong you1 come thty not he11ce, .roen ofyour luftJ that JVArre in your memherJ l Concu– pifcence is but as the luft ofthe fpirir,whichcon- .eNpifcence is full qfa&uall fins,and -brings them forth when occafion Is given ; l~Jm. r. I s. And therefore it is more to be hated than an aGt is, which is but one, and bath nor-fo much_fpawne in it: wherefore you ought rocfe~nfe your fpirit from this pollution. · · :But how fball wedoe thi.s{ to get our fpirits thus£leanfed? J You ~ufl: fearch·out thepoiiution ofth·efpi~ , ri,r. For the fpirit ofman isadeepe thing, and ·hidden, full bf oo'rners ana crannies, a lull and , pollutionwrill ea~ty hide ir felfe in it_; therefore thou muft finde it out and confeffe 1t. Doe as Davi '