The EterniiJ of Goo. , David.dia, goe toGod, and fay, LD-rdftarch, and :·N'Jme, fee ifthere be~ny wic.kednejfe inme: as ifhee. fuoutd fay, Ifl,cau:Id, Iwo~ddfcarchmyowne .hearr, bur Jcannot doe it enough, it is tao deepe for me, therefore .dne thou C(i)meanddoe it; I will open the doores; as aman ufeth tofay to the Officers that come to looke for a Traytor, DrJe-ye>ucome in,and fearch ifthere be any here, !'will fct openrnydoores; fofa~thDavidheie. 1 In like manner when a man would cleanfe his i liearrt from the poltution·ofhis fpirit,let himdoe I ftHoo; let him rernember,thatto hide a Tray-ror is_robe a ifrayr0r thy felfe,.therefore labour to · . hfld itout;andwhen it is f6und,oonfe1Te it to the £ordandlay ajuftweightuponit:What though it neverbreakes forth into outward attions? fay to theLord, 0 LorJ, I know that thou lookefi: to rbe fpirit,.and art .converfant about it j to have a polluted fpirir,i~ anabomination to thee.This is · · ,a thing that we fhould doe, for herein we are of– tenttmes too blame in our prayers,when weconII fctfe ouraCluall fi.nnes, and doe not confe{le the pollution ofour fpirits to the Lord. ·· But you will fay, wee would faine have fnme Jt!!..efl. 1 direltions to ·findeout thisuncleanneffeofour Hewtofindc out the un..o fpirits. . . · cleanndfeE>£· Confider wliat adfeth in thy fpirit, when it fptrit• • 1 is fiirred at any time, and there thou ib!lft findt: what the pollution o\th~ fpirit is. Sed. pot vn ·the fire, put flrl11 ·into it; while 'it is eold, Simile. · is norhing but warer and meat; but fet it a bov1 i,ng, and then·the fcum arifeth. It isa ftmilitude ufed