u. . ) . Thp Simpfici•y of Gon. E'-t~ ,.4.n,n. ufedmEzek.. :24. I I, r:. I fay,obferve what ari– feth in.thy fpirit,at any. tinte,when there is Come .commotion, when thy fpirit is il:irred more than ordinary~ for e:very temptation is {as.it.were) a iireto.makethe pot boy le, any injury that isof– fered to us, makes the fcum to arife; now fee what arifeth out there, and when-any objeel comes to allure thee to finne, fee what thoughts arife in thy 'heart, as the thought of profit or preferment, when an opportunity is offered, _fijrre the fpirit, and fets it on boyling; con.. fider what then arifeth in thy heart~ and thou _ fhalt fee what thy fpirit is. And that wbtch thou ar.tto doe, when thou findeft it, is- to con– felfe it to theLard, and fuffer it.not to come into outward aCt; caft it our, fuffer itnot toboyle i_n: !te~·:t.4·1~ Ezek. 24. 13. ~ · Hate the pol· lutionoffpi· ric. . £~~. 36• 3r. VVhen thou haft done this, thou muft not fi:ay here : but thou mull: labour to loath and hate that ,epllution of fpirit. There are two things .tobe bated by us; thejinne that we looke upon as a .pleafant ·thing ;, and thy illclif!&tiln t? that thing, which is the pollution ofthy fpi.. nt, and mull: bee hated and loathed of us; for thou muft not onely hatetheobjcd: that is offered to thee, but above all, thy felfealfo, and the uncleanndfe of thy fpirit. Thus it iswith every one, whofe heart is right, Ezek. 3~. 3 I • rou fh•ll lo•th )'our ftltJtJ in your Off!nt ftght for · your iniquitiu : that is, when a man begins to looke upon himfclte,and fee the pollution ofthe fpirit in him, he~ begins to grow toan indig?atton