Preston - BT100 P8 1634

_....__._--.,-......... . -------- G o o a Spirit. · '( tion againft himfelf.t , . (and this is the fruit of g~dly fo~row,z Co~~7 .)·he fin~es h!s heart fo d>if- ; , ~"·1o pofed, that hebegms to quarrelllits heart,and to · fall outwithi~~ntl ~ofay; What?- have lfuch a heart, thatwiUcarry me to finne? that,wiU not· onelycarryme tofinne,but toHcll?And:then he begir,1s- tG l<>ath·himfelfe, .and .would not .owne . his.owne felfe, ifhe could ; hewould:goeout of ' himfelfe;he is wearieofhis owne heart: Such· a'· ·' hatred and loathing rhou·mufi..have.of.this ·pol- · lution.of fpirit tbat,is .in thee•. f And this thou:fbalt doe,.if rhou.wiltbut con~ : Hawto •lo:ith fider what evill this pollution. dotb b..-ing thee,:· thia.poUution• .. :andwhitt hurt rh is filthi~ inclination· bath done ' I ! to thee: Aman €an hate a difeafe of the body~·· and; and why..tbould not ·mendoe · l l.foofthe fqule? lt}sour finne.that is rhccaufc of, all evil! ; it is not povertie, ordifgracc, or fick- · ~ ndfe, but it is.finne in thy povertie, li.nne·in thy 1 difgrace,linne in thy fickneffe: fo that if'a·man· 1 could looke upon finne as th€: grear<dl: eviii, and / that whi:ch dmhhim the gre~tcft rnifchiefe, bee.. .,. would hate·that abo,·e all And here ·re.- . \member not onely to doe'.it in ·generaU, but ro ·· · ;pitch thy hanectChiefelyupori .thybelo\tedfii:me. I Be readie tofay,of rhat,as 1lllmtftS o£ M6rdec11i; I what ~tt,ta~leth ;if. m,e'.ifM1Jrdecai)e.r l~i·c?l~we could ·~ · doe fo wtth our beloved luft·s,a:ndcome to fuch a hatredofthem as HAmanbad,tobate ) 1 that b~l?ved_pollut~on; whic~c~leavcs. -[a f~ft to 1 thy fpu~t,thts 'Yereablcfi'e,ttntng·t~rall t.s· no~ ltlung,w.tthout tt..:. · 'thou 1 \ ·.