Preston - BT100 P8 1634

.Whllf we LqrJ. jhMI h-ne JII•Jhed • ., .~·~ filth ;f ' the .4A-ughter af s i111, MtJ fh"l/. hM;eP"'ged the hlood of leru-J~km from the midft theretJ.f, , .!heJPirit df wi[edon-1e, attd hy the[firi, 'of lmrni1tg :: tJlat is, the . Holy Gf;o,jt, who isasftre,_thatme/ts. theJadtr 1 add Ioofens it;and alfo £hew~rd,ter .1 ,3;.•. 2:4.and fo al!fu 1cre111. ~3· ~4.· in ~al. 3· Chri.fl there is.compar~d toftre,and to fh 1· ~·. : Full en fope,. andall to expreffe thediverfe watyes . tirc~J pwuB that the L oR o -bath to c!eam£e OcNrfpirits from fin. 'Sincleavesto tble.fouleas .dr.t1fer:o,thegold': .mow the [firit of burnzng clea·nfeth alild purifiu it ;,. yea, it cloth it v.Lolently; anchherefore it is co£Ii.,. p.ared to .ahammer in/eremy,..Again,finfinks in-as a deep fiaine, therefore Cbrifoi·~as.{Ope ro,wafu·it mu. Let us g.Ge chcnro Go~,and fay,.RatheHhan I lbould notbe·cleanfed, L.tJrd cleanfe mec with thefire.ofaffiielion :as it isalfocalled,Zech: ~3. zuh.. r3•·9<i-·· 9;• .And 1 rt~iil /,ring the third p4rt,.fai-tlr~he Lora, thttJ~h th~ ffre,f -and will nftne th'em, .tt!rftlv.el' iJ reft- ·· ~-td;~,drf!i/1try,them 1 ~Jgoltlir- tYjtrL hi were be fl:. therefore ( tny Belovc:d) to yeeJd, t&d~e Sfirit, ancd ~he wo,J,. thattb«y· may:cl~anfe· ~mJ . before hiS, li,ghn:ior. ifdurywiU.Q0tdcneit,b-cwiacome ·with the fi.r·<H)faffii•aiorr,aad it i&bettertbat you· · · thou-Id bee lbdcait."sittb,.than~hat y~ur foules, ' ~ b.c.inwfl:HJ t!mdeanr; tlioula perifh~forever. : . , · 1'()J'nt th~ ipir~f:irthcr.&m£1~ (W.hois·a: Spir~t, ~ . • d•£ '- ·.nffi' · · 't 1l A' , A-dorn<thcf'pt-- .an .:- ; ~tl>~~tv ptmts',J't'uOU\mttt~•gb~·y~t.e>ne lricwid~fpiri~ . ftcp,fl.tfilie'r ·;~thoo muflrJ~{)oun t0bc~Ul'tt1fie tl',tO tuall cxc:cllcu... i · lfe(~!~s. cies. . ..' . 1 ' .. ~~rifdb£>n~t3>U~ejtJ .:ud~l~'ht~ tbtn~,., .. i ibeke1ndt fitriou~arde~"ll~Qs~ ,aS)c:1lb'at:h~s,, ' .·. ; _ ~·" . ., . fine ·.