lfine ..apparell or adornings; inthe fight ofmen, ,.but feeke fuch an excellencie as is fu tab le to the lpirit : _feeke not other things, for they are fuch things that God regards not. So that,- as every •man feeks fome excellencieor other, that which thou art to feeke, is to get fpirituall excellencie, -fuchas may beautifie thy heart l forthatwhich is outward, God regardeth not: You {hall fee-a . pregnant place for this, Ifoi.66.% • .AUthe[ethingJ bath 111) -hAndmade, faith theLord,-hu~ to thiJ man will I looke, n·tn ti him that is po1r'e a11d of a con– tritefpirit,anJ trtmblethat my word. Wben the L o K D lookes upon all ·things here below, My .handhatb made them, faith bee, and I can difpofe ofthem as I will: butwhatis it, ofallthem,that I doe .efieeme ? a fpirit that is falhioned; and beautified with inward ornaments, fo that it ·trembles at my word; that is the thing which·1 regard. So 1 Pet. 3· 3· you have a comparifon · thereofoutwardexcelle,ncies, and -of the fpiri– tuall decking. of the '- inward man, which the Apoftle preferreth, .becaufe that is a thing that is eftcemed of by Go D ; whofe Ad~rnint, faith . th~ ~poR:le, ~~~ it not het th~tt ~Utr1111rdAdDrning, ~~ pla.tttng the hAtrt, And. of fflt4r"'K g•ld, ,. of p11t-l ting on of t~ppare/l: But let it het the hiddtnmA, t ..•f the heart, in ,tha.t which il not (Drruptiblt; ·even theornament of 11 !"eeke Andquiet [pirit,. ~¥hith il in ·__ thefight pfGodofgreat'price. So.it is faid ofw~fe- ' ·': . PP!Jl~ l'r~.J.1 3··:2:l·. Jt fhaUhtlif'ttothy foulot, •nd :tg,r4ce; to thy n{eki ,~ ,thadi~;wi[e-.bmtadornes the : .foule ittthe ftg.bt ofGo» ;-th~refore that is the ' cxcellenc:ie