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,, Nothing but t·he adorning · of the Sptrit comm11ndsus lQ Gi!d.~· .• The Simplicity of Go D• ----'---.--c.- .. i! more excellc.nt thttnhis Neighbour: as if he faid;· there is a difference.ofhonor)but all thefe are out accidentall d.ifferences,as mendiffering in cloth, the effemiall difference is the fpiritiand that is it which GoD regar/ds, and by this thou excclleft thyNeighpour.All otherexcellencies are but as when a mule a{fe having goodly trappings, tbou1d boaft it felfe again£1: anh0rfe, which is the fl:rongeft creature, becaufe it wants fuch goodly trappings; or,as if a m~d-wall) . that the Sunne .fuines upon, fhould boaft it felfe againft a wall of Marble that fi:ands in the fhal dow. Therefore confider of this, that fo thou rnaifi labour to beautifie thy fpirit; for ifthere were nootbe~ reafon, but that Godis aSpirit, and that he beholdsthe~xcellencyofthe fpirir,t his w.~re fufficient. Take all other excellencies ·in the world, they make thee onely. excellent in the fight ofman; but this makes theeexcell_ent beforeGo~; this is a folid thing, all the glory of the .world is but xevh Jo~n, emptyglory, as being efieemedvaineand empt·ymeN-;_~ut -tha.twhich maks t-heeexc~llent b~fore eiod,:i·s this only.We · read lam•.2~ 5• Hat-INzot.God.chofon thepoore ofthit world, rich infaith, andheires ofthe Kingdqme IVhich h~e /-:(lth promiftd to them that love him t As if hee fhouJd fay, that whichmakes men gloriou~, is their faith and polineffewirhin, this is the thing that makes u~ excellent in GodJ light, and ena– QJes us rodoe higher workes : all other thing<; habilitate us but to the things · life, bur ;g.race makes-. thee fl:rong,. anddnakes thee to · · fert·e