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., .. : ,._ ---~ ... _ l 'Go.? a Spirit_ ' __,____ 19 forve the -Lo,rd with fea 11 e41td revetm.ce, He6.·t'2. ~8. And therefore fcuth the ApofHe, If there -l;e 4ny vertue orprai(e, thinke of thefe thingJ, Phil. Phi!. ·4· a. 4· 8. thottgh the world feekes other things afcer their owne fa:nc~e, yet feeke you after thefe things j this is the excellency thatwe~Chould ·feeke, for this adornes thy fpirit. And now if I Ihould aske ·any·Scholar,whether is it not better to have Gods Image ·renewed in him, and to bee like to him, than to have theexcellency ofhu.. mane knowledge? every one would fay, that to have God.r image renewed in them,were the_ beft : but then why doll: thou not bulie thy felfe about · it? why doe~ thou not labour for it? why doe you fiudy k>much, and pray fo little? So ifl thouId a-skeanother man, w~thergrace, or t>Ut– ward excellency were better?hewQuld fay,grace: but then why doe you not bellow fome time about it,toget it? It is a great ftgne that the heart I is right, when wee can judgearight ofthings, as I I G.od judgethofthem, and ·of theexcellency that istobefoughtby us. z Cor. 5· It is madea figne "'"·f· ofanew creature, that he cloth judgearight of/fi– rituaUthings. lames I. 10~ ltismadeaftgr.eofa ]lliJitU•ro. mancon"erted to GoD, when bee is brought lo'n', that is:~ bee is drawne from that highelleeme of outward excellency, whid=1 before he had, when hee fees that they arebut fading fl0wers, things ?fnoworth; and thus the foule·ge.ts flrength ·tO 1tfelfe. , When thou bart cl~anfodthy[pirit, when tho·u 3 .• haft adorned it with fuch fpirituall beauty, fo , ;~~.the fpsm: Bb 2 thatl .