Preston - BT100 P8 1634

-i I 20' n~Simplicitj tJj G 0 o. that G o D is delighted in thee: then thou mu£1: goe yet further; thou mull: let it have rule, and dominion; thou mull: let it have the upper hand of the body in all things. Let thy fpirit be frill advanced, that is, let it not bee drowned with the body, but bee emergent ftill above it, kept from all bafe affe&ions, let it be.cleare from all thofe mills and corporall drolfe, that is, from thofe bodily affeClions ofmeat, drinke, unclean– nes, fports,pall:ime, &c. w4erewith the body is– delighted: for this fpirit is the moll: excellent thing in thee, therefore it is meet that it fhould have dominion, that it fhduld not bee brouO"ht· into fubjed-ion,nonot by any fpirituall -Ju£1:, that arifeth frorn the fpirit, that thebody is not ea- ~ pableof; much more then a fharn,e is it to bee · brought into fubje&ion byany bodily lufi_, that · 1-.Ctw.~. u,IJ. wrongs theF_&ther of[piritJ, 1 Cor. 6. 12, 13• .AU· thingJarela~fu/1time, faith the Apofl:Ie, 6ut 11l'i!J · ttot bee hrot~ght under the power ofany thing. Me4t it for the !Jttfy, And the bellyfor meat, but God{h4U tl.e– ftr'iJy h1th it ami them. His meaning is this, I fee that it ifnot convenient for me to eate fle(h ; l doe not deny but that I have a dtfire to eate fleil a.s well ·~s orbets, but becaufe it is not convenient' therefore r will bridle that appe– tite .=for, MeAt·if for the bellj, ahd the helly for · · me;it, h_~~t 'G6d!fall Jejlroj both it and them. Ifthat - · apPetite lhould ptevaile, the .bbily would ruTe ·: over the foule: but that I will not fuffer, that . my fpirit fhould be brought into fubjed:ion by any bodily appetite .. And confider, what an unrea..:.