\. Goo a Spirit. ·--~-------- ------~-- ------- unrcafonable thing it is,that the fpirit fl~ouldbe . brought under the body. there are but two parts ofa man,and they draw us two wayes : -the fpirit drawes us upward to theFatheroffpiritJ, (as it is afpidt ;) and the body drawes us downeward• . Now confider which fhould have the upper . hand,theywill not goe both together; and there· fore remember that if the fpirit bee under the Confufion b d . .II'b d !':. fi .J b h I whentbebo· G> y, It wt ree conxu ton; anu . ee: t y · dy rules th~ 1 ddl:ruction in theend. It is fo in other things; I S,irit. looke into the <::ommon wealth, if you thauld fee ftrvtzn.ts riding, And Pri11cesgoing on foot: looke into nature, if the !ire and aire {hould be ,be low, and the water and earth above, what confufion would there be? So.is it in this cafe. Th.eApo– ftlecomparesthemtobruitbeafis, 2Ptt.I. 11. ~P1t- 1.u. (and the wife man compares them to a Citie, who(e wAlls Arl hroken dswne, fo that there is an utter ruine.) Saith the Apofl:lePeter, in the place I forenamed, that they at nAturA!l!Jruit be4jls m&de to !Jet taren And to 6ee de.ftroyed, who[peAke evil/ of th~ things they underfland not, And fbaU utterly pe– rifb in their D'fl'ne corruption.· that is, ifa man will £ome to this, to fuffer fuch a confufton as this, they fhall even bee ferved ·as bruit beall:s are : Indeed, ifit werewithus, as it is \Vith beafts~ we might give liberty for thefe~orporall appetites to rule over the foule : as, take a-horfe, if'he ha th .no rider, then you blame him ndt th(l:mgh bee runne, and kicke up and downe, for he· is~ beall:, and bath no rider to rule him; but when(bee is under the bridle, then, if bee doe not doe that \ · - Bb 3 \!hich