I I i I . 1 ·, ! ' ' ' ¥.. . ; . " ' O.bjello~., i ; The.Simplicity of Go n. which he thouId doe,you blame him•. But a man : bath reafon toguidehim, andbeebathgrace to , guide reafoa; now to caft off both thefeis more than bruitilh .Co.Rfider ~lfo, that all things, the more, refined they are,' the better they ·are, for · they come neerer tothenature ofa fpirir .. So . then doe thou looke upon thy felfe ; and fay . with thy felfe; .the more that the fpirit within ._– me isadvaQced, _the more it is fuffered to·rule, without impediment, it is the better for mee. · Togiveyoyan inllance or two, that you may fee the practifeoftheSaints in this cafe :Job, he faithf/ efleemed ·thy Word 111 my apfOinted meales, '~c .rhatJs, I will rather reftraine my body in this ' tban I will fuf'er. my foule - tG want that -wbich ·' . belongs to it;a.£?,d as he faid·for eating&drinking;. fo faitb Davidfor f!eepe; Mine eyes prevent themor~ ningwatch, that-/might be,.exercifed in thystatt~tes: that is, rathe~ than my fool~ fbbu!dnot·doe its duty, I will depri~·e mybody of ftupe. So Itfm C-.hrifl., Ioh. 4•· 3'4· lefm faithunto them, mymeat u to, Jo~.- the wiUof my Father, and -to ftnifh his worke: (rhis hee faidwhen.the rime ofeatingwas pafr, and they b.rougbt ,hrm meat to eatc:) his mea– ning is, I will be content to negleCt: mybody, to doe drat which is theworkcofmy fitirit,the work ofmy,F.ather. And fi.1ch is his owncadvice: feeke npt the loaves,faithhe 5 nourHh not your bodies, labour-not for the meat.that perifheth; but looktbat · ·. thy fouleget ;th~_ better in all things. -·; But how {hall I know this, _whether·myfouJe ··doth nd~Ol,nQ,? ,. ! ·· When