::1 ·G' oD a Spirit. When the bodily appetite and inclination . ,. tAn[~. · fuall rife fo hio-h as to rule th~ fierne of the Howt~know fouleand the aai~nsofir, then the body gets l.~~~=l~~:pl· rule over the foule ~ . but when thefe {ball be fu(). -dued, brought under, and guidedby the foul~, · , -when thfiy {ball be brought to that fquare which t.he fpiritwithin (hall fet downe, then the fpirit -rules over thebody. , · But the inclinationsofthebooyare fi:rong,in.. Objell. ·ceffant and prevailing, and.l cannot rule them·: what mufti doe-then? Them mufi: doe in:this·cafe as Saiat Paul did, tAnft;l. . who kept umle-r hii body by violence, as inenufe I Tbbekcboddymut h r . fh Id k . . J... ept own, , to tame ones, ·wee · ou eep~ ft '(A(J".ne; wee :yc:t not too · muft take heed of carnalllufi:s, theywtll.keepe 1 muc:h. -thebody too.high, as ahorfe may be too luftie for ·his riders yet fo, as on the other fide it mull: · not bee kept too low, but onely the foule muft have dominion over it, for it is 'the inftrument <Ofthe feule, and therefore it (hould alwayes bee ~ '(ubj~a- to the principall agent. As it is faid ofa fervant~ tha·t bee fhould not bee fuprA negotium, nor infrA negotium, but par neg1tio, not above, 'nor below, but fit f0r his bufinelfe : fo ought .the body to bee the foules fervant. Beloved,con· lider this, doe but thinke what your foufes are, that you t'hold fuffer them tobe thus infubjetfi– on; thinke what a ibame it is, that tbefe bodily affell:ions fhould fo over-rule -tbe fpirlt that is made like to God,the foule,which fhalllive.fore· ~er, _the foule for whichChrift dyed, andwhich ts better than all the world befide. thinke I fay, Bb 4 ' ·.. "~ with