I ' I p ne Simplici'J of G 0 D, witli your felves, what a fenfeleffe and unrea– fonable thio,git is, thatthis heavenly borne foule lhould be fub jeel to a little walking earth, and . that a pieceofclay fhould rule over it? Are not men, in this kinde, like to beafts, fub jefr to fen• fuality, that eate that they may play, and play that they may eate? and the foule is not c~nfide– red all this while, how it isa fpirit, that is like to Godhimfelf,who is a Spirit.A.las,what is the bo.. dy to it? It is in it as ina prifon : fuch is the bo– dy to the {oule, not to be regarded in compari– fonofit. Therefore.addethis tothe other, that the foule may ftill beadvanced, and that it fuffer not bodilyacHons tobring it into fub– jecHon, left yoube as IHuit he~.jl.r, fub- , j.e~ tofenfuality, m4aetfJ he tAkt11;11nJ. t6heeJ.e.. firoyed. · .t 'rHE .,, r '