Spiritu3ll 'judgements the great~. , The Simplicily of Go n. ---------------------------------- 0[ men, and in that you are chiefly to obferve his_providence toward you. And that you fhall fee inRtJm.q.• 17.TheKingdumeo{God.(tbat is his rule and government) if not in meat ttnd drinke, for they are outward things, and he that is a[pirit .r~gards them ~ot; ~ut it is, in righteoufnejje and :peace, 11ncf, joy zn the :Holy 6hfJjl. :· that is, in the things that.belong to the fpirit, therein is his kingdome, and dominion chiefly exercifed. So alfo, Pfal. 33. I•f., I 5. From theplace ofhu habittt– .twn he.e looketh do,;ne upon aft .the Inhab#anu of the e11-rth: -hefttfliioneth ,~heir heartJ Alike, hee confi- ' derethall theirf!Or~es. Marke it, when God lookCJ downefrom heaven, andheholdJ the children ofmen,' the chiefell: thing ·that bee doth, whereia his government .is ,exercifed~ is, that bee fafllions • their .hearts and fpirits: and therefore .thofe e– ·ternall fubjeets of 'his that live with him for .ever are Spirits, as the Angels and the Soules of men. Therefore if thou wouldell: obierve thewill ofthe Lord towards thee, and woulde!l: fee, wherein his providence is chidly exerci– fed, Iooke upon thy fpirit on all occafions ; that is, what bents, what inclinations, what hopes and deft res bee bath put into thy fou1e. Ifyou looke up-(')!} men in the wodd, you thalJ fee them diverfe iri their fpirits; one man lufts after riches, honour anq preferment ; another after gaming, fporting and drinking : now 1ooke upon this temper of fpiri~ as. ~he grea– tefl judgement,()fall otbers.Agailie,looke upon the fpirits of other men, they are falbioned a · contrary o o ~ o I • o -. • ., ... ~ . ..... .