Preston - BT100 P8 1634

~-==--=-=----------------------===------- Go n a Spir# ..- contraryway,todeny the~felves, tofeekegtace,; and avoid finne; tG be content to haveGodalone,.. w doe his worke;- to leave their wages to Go"' ·to live a paineful! life, ferv~ng Go_o,. and m~& with their-fweet converfauon : thts·ts -a qutre ~onuary1pirit, and ·thisis the·greatdl:.bleffing,· as theother the greateft judgement• . Therefore you{hall fee, that·when the .Lord is angrywith a!man, . fo that liis anger is-woond ·up :tO"the · :h.igheft peg, then hegives him over l!o this judgment: as it i.s, P[A-1. 8x. IZ. SB .Jgave themwer to P{al. St.n•.. their ·11vne·hearts iufl:t,- and 'they rr.a!P.ed·in their o~ne· counfels: thatis,my j~dgement{hall be executedl upon their fpirits,to'leave th~m toan··unjudicieU1 mintl.~ Againe, on theother fide, when the L~rd woulddoea man th~.greateft kindneffe, then he fatbionsliis.fpirit ~not~enva_Y. D'e_ut. 3o-~• .Alid: ·Dcttt·;-~o~ ~· the L"Ord ·thy God tfdl ctrcum-cift ·thtne heart ·, anrl · the heart of thy feed, to love ~he Lorcl-with all thine heart ttndwith all thyJoule, thA-t thou m/lift'live: as ifhe ihouldfay, when Ilnind to doe you akind-' neffe,then] will thus fa(hion ymn'hearts aright;' SoEzek. 36l 2 6~ A newheart a&'O wi!IJ ··qive u.nto £ .f.' .. . you, And a neJTJ Jpirit rrilll put"r»tthin J~Il,~d1will '-e • 3~· tS•: take·a11Jtty theftony-heart ·out of jour bodiu, and wiU ' gi?Je )'OU Anheart offltfb. The Scripture is pJenti- . full in this :-Therefore ifthouwouldeft obferve · .what theLordis to thee, looke how he~ fatl1ions thy fpirit; if~·timu findeft that he leaves thee to · ,unrulyaffectionsand lufts~ and ·gives thee over · to beglued ·~o that fromwhich thou fhou·ldit be · div:Crced-; _orthatbee .fl~ttdeft th{Ze-in bondage · to·