Provedby3· .. De.mont\rati• . o.ns. ·I ·:Outward thing11difpen– fcd ptomifcu– outly. E."Jt{. ~· lo ~ The guiding tlac fpirit be· longs onely .toGod, . --.-:- - Tk8implicil,7 11{ GoD, , J ·to the,feare .Qfmen, as a fnare to thee, there is no greater judgement in the world than thts as the .contrary is the greateft mercy.. Therefore in 2 Tim.4. ~ 1. Pau~praye~)TheL8rd Ie[m Chrifl be Jt?ith thy[pirit ·:as i fbe fhould fay, this is the grea– teft mercy that I canwi{h tpee, and the greateft go0d that God can doe thee, and there-fore bee .wifheth Godtobervit~his[pirit. Now. to .preffe this point a little fur:dier, and ~· ,to. ·make it plaine unto .you ; you iliall fee it in ., th'efe three things : · 1 .I Becaufe all other things, as riche_s, pover– ty, health, ftckneffe,&c.he difpenceth thefe pro– mifcuoufly; fo he gives r:iches to wicked men, &c. b<rcaufeas it is Ecclef. I. 9· Hit IDve, oT h4- .tred, cannot !Jee kno,nehy the{e thingJ. _Whence I reafon thus; That wherein the love and hatred of Go 1> is moll: fcene, therein his providence– chiefly exercifeth it felfe; but in the fatbioning ofthe fpirits ofmen, there, and there ch.iefly, is his love and hatred moft feen~; for other things .C,ome alike to men_, to him that [Acrijiceth, and to him that focriJiceth not: therefore be governeth the fpirits. 2 The difpoling of other things is much inI the power ofmen ; A Prince, or a man that bath 1 power to kill, or to fave, bee can -give riches, 1 and honour,and take them away at his .pleafure: But to rule the fpirits, and.compofe, and guide the apprehenftons,.and affe6tions of,the fouie, that belongs to G o D alone ; ·a man is·no more able tQ doe it, than to rule the raging Sea. For . , · as