Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Goo • Spirit. as it is proper to Go o alone, to compofe the · winde, and to rule the waves: fo it is proper to – him alone to rule the turbulent affeCtions, to compofe and guide them. If there be any difor- -dered atfeetions in the heart, as an immoderate love of any thing, or an impatient de fire to any thing, who is able to remove it, but the Loll o who isaSpirit l So, who can implant holyaffe– Ctions in thee, but he alone ? as for example, to \thinke a·good-ihought, a man cannot doe it with– out him, who is the Father of[piritJ_ •• fo to per– fwade a man, no man can doe it,.it muft bee the L oR o ; as N'oah faith, God fball perfrr~de 111phet: t(} dneilin theTentsofSem. So to fee thehainoufnes 0f fin,and the evill ofit,no-man can doe it but by the Spirit ofGod : ·as it is faid, loh. I 6. 9. The SpiIohn ~~. 9 • rit convinceth men offtnne. So to will this, or that, which is g,ood, It is he that workes both thewilland the deed. -A man cannot moume for fin without · . the Spirit of G o o, and he cannot chufe but bee Jwallowed up with worldly griefc,. for worldy lloffcs, except Godkeep bim,he cannot feare God, -and bee cannot -chufe but feare men, except God guides his fpirir ;. for this is oneofGDds prerogA– t"ives roJall,torule in the affettions,and apprehen- · fio'ttsofmen. 3 'Becaufe the guiding ofa mans fPirit is of ; tbe greateft confequ.enceofall other things el fe. The guid:ing 'N G a· ·rc "" -.l d h fc h ofthefpmtof · _ow 11 lS awt e ~o,nnma:uuer,~n t ere o~.e ~ e :greatetl conwtll not exert, and put forth hts power; bUt m· fequence• . things ofgreateft moment: a111d ifldeed thegui- , · · ingofour_affeetions is all in all tous, for, in a . mans