Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Mans appre– henftonmakes .. every thing heavicsor plca– fant. , •• J The Simplicity of' Goo. ---- mans outwatd eftate, what thing.s foev~r befall -- him,allare.notfuing rbut what his apprehenfion · is of them, and how bee is .;affe.tled with them, m~kes them crotfes or.comfqrts; ifa mans fpir it ' bewhole~ the greatefl: croife is nothing, and the Jeaff: is intolerable, ifhts fpirit be broken. And 'againe,whatareall pkafant -things,ifa man.hath not a heart to apprehend them? As toPttr-1/, w,hat was all his perfecution? as long as his fpirit was wh0lewirhin him, l~ee carried it out well : and what was Raradi[e to Adam, and a Kingdome to Jthab,when rheir fpirit ' as broken? It is the ap– prehenlion that makes every thing to a man hea– vie, or unheavie,pieafantor unpleafant, fweet or fowre : and rheref0re this is the ufe ro be made -·of it, to behold GtJds providence-chiefly en our fpints, and not onlyon our own fpirits, but what he doth upon the fpirits of others alfo. It is a thing wee ftumb teat when we fee a wicked man profpe r, and carry all things in the world before him; wee {hould not fay, where is GodJ provi– dence,and the truth ofhis promife? but fee what he doth upon the fpirit 0fthat man. Ifthou feefl: . fuch a man more mahcrous to the Church and chddren of G1d, afld growing morecarnall and .abominable in his courfes, therein is Gods curfe 1feene more, than in all the difpenfation ofout– ward curies : for that treafure of ftnne wJ.Jich he layes up for bimfelfe, ·Will draw 'on a treafure– of.wrath, whrch will bee expeflded upon him in due feafon. Behold then your fpirits alway~s .·and -Gods providence upon them~ LAm. 3· 65-. · . Ci'