Preston - BT100 P8 1634

.(j 0 D a Spirit. Give them forrow, or obfl:inacy of hettrt~ thy c11rft upon them: the wotds fignifie, whioh is thy ~urf~ upon .them• .. Therefore if you fee an obfi:inate heart in a man, that is the greatefi curfe ofail : As·in receiving the Sacrament,therewedoe pro-; nounce a cur!e to him that recei'oes it unworthily, and profanes theLordJ boJ.y. But (it rnay be) bee goes on and fees it not: let him looke upon his fpirit, and fee howGoddeales with tnat, whetfler his heart cloth not grow harder, and moreobdu– rate, which is the greareft cmfe. Yon mayob– ferve this every where ..: if thou feeft one that · bath avaine and idle -fpirir; that cannot ftudie,. that cannot pray, that cannot chufe butbee car– ried.away by anunruJy lufi to this or that thing, belefve ir;chis is·a greater judgment rhan all the ·. difea!es in the world, than 'all fhame and dif– grace, that·wee account fomuch tDf, than pover– ty and croffes, as it is the grearefi: mercy on the otheli fide, when a man is able ro..ferve .God. with an upright hearr,and tobe fincere in all his carri~ age. Thus it is-with other men, and this thou (houldfiobfer;e in thy felfealro from day to day. Let us not obferve fo much, what accidents· b~- . fall us,what good is done to us, or what croffes · we have,-.( true indeed,God is feen in all rhefe things:} but chiefly lookewhat·God hath done ,, whatco~pofingofminde; or what· · turbulepcy of affeCt-ions, or what quietneffe, what patien,ce~orwhac impatience; and for this ~ -1 ·be chiefly humbled, or be chiefly thankfull: for to. rake away from ChriH the praife of fanctifi- . ea tion.;... ' · ---~------------------------~~~----~ I ,