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Yfe 3• ·I6hn 4· &4. -.w orlhip him in f11irit. Wbatitis te ferve G~ti in .dle fpirit, The Simplicitj of Go n. cation, is as much as to take away the praife of ~his redemption. Herein thou thalt fee · or hatr~d manifeil:ed to thee; his greateft judge– .ment, or his greateft mercies. The third Vfe is that which the Scripti.ue mak~s of it, Iohn4. 24. If GodbeaSpirit, then worfhit him inJpirit Andtruth. What it is to w~rfhip G o ., in Jpirit and truth, you {hall fee, ifyou compare this place with that inRorn. 1,.9.For God _ if my witnefle 3 whom I JerfJe with my !pirit in the Go!pcl of hif Sorme, that without ceajingl make men– tion ofyou alwttyes in my p1·ayers. The meaningof it is this; V\'hen PAulhctd taken this fo!emneaf– feveration, God i; my rvitnej]'e, &c. doe not-thinke, ·faith hee, that I have done this feined1y, I am no fuch man; for in preaching the Gofpel ofIe– fm Cbrifl, 1 feroe God inmy[pirit: that is, ldoe· it not for by-ends, no.t in -appearance and tight of men, or the like, but I doe it inmy [pirit, that is, plainly,heartily,and ftncerely. So that toworfhip t;;od inJpirit, is to have a plainne!fe, aad fincerity in out Worfhipping him, that is, to doe hear– tily what wee doe to him, in our praying, and ''Worfhipping him; when it is not formally~and cufiomarily done, but our fpiric feconds it within, this is toworfhip him in fpirit. So that the fcope ofourexhbrtarion is, that you would worfhip God chiefly in your fpirit. As it is faid oflinging Pfalmes, Col. 3. I 6. Admonifh opeano– ,ther inPfalmes,AndHymncs, and[piritullUfongs,fing– i•g withgrace inyeurheart,&c.that is,let your fpirir: joynewitb the outward performance. And the ground