;Go o a Spirit. ground-of it is, becaufeGod iJ a spirit, and there~ fore he beholds at any fuch tilne,when yoLt c0me beferehim,the inward behaviourof your fpirirs: 1 ~hat is, bee obfcrves whenyou come to_pr~ach, \ , or pray, what fquim-ey'd ends, whar·v<'lme glo. I. ry, what refped: to men you have. Yea, he ob-\ fcrves how far naturall confcience leades you, !o . that you doe it as a taske,out ofcu!lome,&c. be obferves what worldly-mindedne{fe, and car- · nall atfeelions creep into the foule, at that time, . that makes you eitherto poll offrhe duty,orelfe to doe it in a cu!l:omary manner. All this doth he behold, hee 1ookes to the inward carriageof the fpirit: and therefore doe you looke chiefly to the inward carriage, to the mward frame of your-minde. But what is that more particularly? 1 Pa~ticularly in I will thew it toyou in theie three things : j three thmgs. I Sec that thy fpirit bee as m·ere lumas thy 1 .£2..:.!Jf. Iippes are. I{ai. 29. 13. Hee cornplaines of a ' Lir~W· forr of people, that dra"' nigh unto Godwith their The fpiritmu!l:· mouth, and ff'ith their Iippes dot honour him, lntt have bee a. neer removed their hMrt farre from me, and their ~'eare . ~o~ as th.:LJ?s• d h . . h 1_ · J' 1 I 1 at. 19. 13. towtZY s tm tJ ta·tg t vy the precepts ofmen. So 1er. ' ltr. p., I 2. 2. Thou, 0 Lord, art neere in theirmouth, and 1 farre f1'om their reine.r. Now if thou wouldeft n~~rfhip him'in[pirit, fee that thy fptrit be as neere hun as thy words ar~. As for example, in pTayer thou confetfeft thy finnes, and profc!fefl: l . t?at th.oudodl: hate them, thou prayeft for mor– ttficattOn, and grace-, and for we,ancdne!fe from ·Ithe world; herein_thy ~vords and Gods will doe , C c agree, , --:-------:----------!::__:..c...---~-·~-;