. I The Simplicitycf GoD. · agree, they are confonant, when yet, it may be,. the inward inclination of thy heart is farre e· nough offfrom thefe expr,cffions;therefore bring thy ipirit neere toGodas thy lips are~ and then. , thou worfuippetl: him in fpirit. · To fhew yoLl Inftancesof . . more plainly what this farnelfeotfthe fpirit is; drawing nccrc take a covetous man,and put him upon the racke with the lips of any exigent, where beemuil: part with all to, onely. • fave his life, he will {ay as much as need to be in this cafe, that bee is willing to part with-all;but his heart is fet as clofe to his .wealth, as ever it was before, fo that he is loth tQ part with any thing. And take a tbeefe that comes before the ,_ Judge, heconfdfeth bis fault, and begs pardon, · and faith th~t hewill doe fo no morejbut yet his . heart fits as neere to his theft, he is as farre from h~mefiy a~s ever bee was before. So t_ake a man when he c;omes into fome exigent, (f9r that ufu– ally isthetirne.) as at the re~eivingofthe Sa– crament, or at his dayof dc;~th, bee comes and . fJTOfeffetb tQ the Ltril, that bee will followno· . more his wicked courfes, but bee will become a new·man; here his words draw neere, but looke to the bent and in~lination ·ofhis heart) to the radicall confticutionofit, and thfttis fa.rre from . holinelfe, there hee fits as clofe to his finne : as bee did before. Therefore, ifthou wouldeft ;· Jrorfhip God in[firit, take care that thy fpirit _: draw neere to him upon all fuch o€cafions, as .thy words d0e. A man in his ordinary courfe ., (it may bee) prayes, andhis prayers are g?o~; : J but how farre his heart is fromGod, that bts hfe · , lhewes