Preston - BT100 P8 1634

' Goo a Spirit. --- - ------- ------ - ------- lhewes. It is a ftrange thing, that at rhe Sa.cra. ment, men .come and make confeffion of tbeir fins~ and yet their fpirits are far f~om it,and that _their prael:ife .iliewes•.Confider this, ifany fu{:h. be·here; you arethe men that ·the Prophet doth fpeake to, nu df!Awneere to Godwith your lipJ, Fmt your heart if Jarre from hifll. And th!s is the firft particular. . . Whe~you worfhip Go n~ith all ~he might 1. . and lt:rength, and endeavour ot your mmds, and , TGodw~r1 1lup 11 11 h c 1 . f h h" . ,(L. G I o wtt ' a a t e 1acu ties o t em, t ts lS to wor11J1p o D the firengt\1 inf!irit, 2 Sam. 6. ~·4· It is faid of DA-vid, that I of themind. bee dAnced before the Lord with ·all hit might : it ,'J. sam. 6 ' 14 ' was a worthipof Go o, a fpiritudl worfhip of Go n:, wherein.D,wid, by his outwa.rd act o f danci g, did expretfe his exultation, and rejoycing in the Lo 1l o. No\V th~ Text faith, that -· he8id Jhis nithaUhumight, with all th~ might of his fpirit: (for fo you muft under(b nd it .) It is a Metaphor taken from the body, when a man ufeth all his ftrength and might to doe any thing, hee unit~s all ·rbe fo~ces of bis body to it: fo a man ffJorJhippeth .Godinfririt, when all tl\e faculties of the foule are concentrated and united together in the performance of fuch a · duty. And therefore it is called a wraflling!Dith the Lord, as hacohdid : and ·it is·called a flriving '· · with G1J, as Paul faitn, that you flrive tngether . with mee in prAyer,•Rom. 1;. 3o. that is, when the\ 'Jtom.z s:3o. foule, and-the minde are joyned all togetller,, when hee bends the whole foule to the_worke, I as.a man when beewraflletb,~ puts' forth all his\ . · C c 2 , fl:rength ··:'