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~.5 3 Wi}em the {pi. rit bc:holds G.odalone:. The Simplicity of Go n. firengrh, this is to woriliipGod in fpirit. Such an expreffion you have, A£1! 2o. where Paul .went ·L:pund in the fFirit to./eru(a!em: that is, his. fpirit did not hang lo6fe, but it was girt up in a ·-r(follltion to goe throug.h wirb the worke ., whatfoe\·er came of it, his fpirit was bound. Now, when thy fpirithangsloofeup0nthedu– tie, halfe on, and halfe off, when a maa cares not wherher bee doth it or no·, this is not to .. worfhip Goo with thy fpirit; b~e when thy minde is girt up, and thou doeft it with all the intention ofthy fouJe; when thou dofi: it hearti– ly;as itis Col. 3.· 1 'l.__ ser~vAntJ:.o{uy inAllthing/)fJur MaHer.t acc~rding. to thejlefh ;~. not with eye-ftr'Vice, dU men pleaftrJ, but in finglemJie of heart, fearing Ged: ·where eye-fervice, and hearty are oppo– kd. Eye-ftrvice is, when a man doth it in the outward tbevv, and. appearance onely; contrary to ·wh1ch is theoth r, to eoe a thing heMtily ;-. tbat is, whena mans firength and his fouie doth goe with the duty:: but ·the, Ioofenc(fe of the mind, and the wandring ofit about other thi'ngs, when the body and rhewor,ds are well irnpioy ed J bur the minde dorhnor goe with them; th~·s ' is not to worfhip Goo in fpirit, when thefpirit fits thus Ioofe to God. And rhisis thefecond ·thing, wfierein this worfhipping of G~d-in fpirit clothcontifr. . The third,.which bath not much, hut. yet feme ditfcrenc~ .from the former, is this, w~en the fpirit of a man beholds Go~ alone·; wl1en his eye is upon him when hee comes to w~r~ , fl11~ i. ~