.. Goo a Spirit. - ------ {hip him, and upo11 nothing befi?es. Ifa m_an will pave an eye to men, to the pratfe o.r chfpratfe that fuall follow the performance of thedutie, hee doth fo farre worfuip men; but when .his heart is left naked, and firipped of all other refpeas in the world, and fo fiJ!ed and over-~wed with the prcfence ofGo D,that all other re{peers 1 doe vanitb, then bee ferves G oo, and worfuips him in fpirit; fbr this onely is towortbip Go o 37 in fingleneffe of heart; and it is oppofed tooutward performance, CBI. 3. z z. for theeye-fervice \cot. 3.,,. is buc-onely a bodily and outward worlbip: but when a man doth it with finglendfe of heart-,then it is net eye-fervice; that is, it is not outward onely. Now, finglenetfe of heart is this, when · Siaglcnetrc of' the minde bath but Otl4t fingle obje6l to looke bcan,wbar, upon~ fo that to looke, not upon any creature, but upon GoD, and none befides, this is ta )VOrthip GoD in finglenelfe of heart; which is the fame with ho!inelfe. As the holineffe of the Holindfe, · Vdfellin the oldLawwas, when i•was fet apart ' wha,. · from all otl1er fervices toGoo alone;fotheholineife ofa-mans fpirit is,when it is feparated from all by-refpetls and aimes, and iswholly devoted \ to him; (whenceourword,Devotiondoth fpring:) . :and when amao worlhips Go tt with·tbis naked. I ncffe,with thi~ fingleneffe and holi_neffeoffpirit, · then he worlhips Goo in fpirit. But when thou • · commeft to performe any dutie , a's to preach a Sermon, or to pray, and thou IookeO: what men will thinke of thee, and what praife and credit I thou fhalt get by ir,this pollutes yourfpirit; fo \ . Cc 3 farre /