. ' Go o a Spirit. · glorie and majefl:ie. Therefore,to perfwade you to this,you rriu£1: know,that whan ever youcome to worfhip GoD, there ought to be a great fo. lemnitie in every part of his wor{hjpi which can– not be) without the concurrence of the body and fpirit of man; they cannot be disjoyned : And you fi1all fee the neceflitie of this, in thefe three things: .· z.. .Becaufe, though holine!febe feated in the fpirit, yet it cloth and wHl appeare in the body at the fame time. You know the light of the I Candle is feared in the Candle , yet it iliines 1 through the Lanthome,if it be there: fo,though holinetTe be feated in the fpirit, yet it will appeare in rhe body, if it be there. It is fo in all other things, and therefore muA: needes be fo in this. As., take any affeCtions that are in~s; as a bluf11ingaffeC\:ion, when occafion is, will ap– peare in the body, whether we will or no; foan r impudent face is difcerned and perceived alfo: · fo awfulnetTe, and feare,and reverence, theywill {hew themfelves, and looke out at thewindowes of the eyes, and appeare in the face, except wee willingly fuppreffe them. Now, if thefe will I doe fo, fi1rely it holds in this ~lfo: If there be a reverence of the minde, it will be feeme in the ;behaviour of the ~ody. Therefore you fee, E/i1 •h, when hee prayed earnelHy, the difpofttion of the body went with it, hee put hit fac~ downe he.. tn·~enehi! leggn. So I E s vs C "Jt ~· s 'l',when hee prayed for Lazarm, hce groaned in huSpirit, and l rrept. Now ifheedidfo,(whomight beexeri1~Cc 4 ted, 1 Wbere.in boli· ndfc appcarcs Similt-.