Preston - BT100 P8 1634

~ Theoueward man fiirrcs up me inward. I ; Qurperfol'– maaces arc· lame elfe•. The _Simplieity of Go o. ted,_ifany mrght) then doe not thou thinke that thQucanfi: have a holy reverentdifpofition ofthc– mind~,and it·not appeare in the body; it cannot : ~e. Thereforeyou (hall finde that it is called the ·:. heart every where, becau fe the affed:ions are fea- ;. . ted there;and what affed:ions a man hath,litch is : his bear.t;forthe body is accordinglyaffeeted,as . the heart is affetled. l <:;onfider this; if tl1ou findell: thy felfe apt . toa cardelfe negligent behavior and carriageof ~ thebody~when.thou commeft to God, and pre– ·tendell: this, that he is a Spirit, and muff: be wor- :, thipped in fpirit; I fay,confider whether this be not an excufe t_hat thy f.letb makes to this end, that it may be Iazie; and have fome eafe to it · felfe, from a falfe application of that Principle, God ·«.aSpirit:; which makes thee giveway to an outward lazineffe of thy body. Therefore Iooke narrowly; thou .fuouidell: ftirre up the out– ward man, that thou thereby_mayell: aifo fl:irre up the inward ·man; when 'thou commcfi before . G1d in any worfhip.. · 3· Confider, that to make•any tl1ingan ordi– nance, theremuft be an applicationof-thewhole · man tO it; otherwife, it is but a lame perfor– ~ance,and·God,wi11 no! rec~n it as thepbedi- ~ cnce of an ordinance•. For this truth muft be remembred·; That an ordinance of GtJd perfor– med as itought·to-be, dothufuallycarryablef– fing;V\dth it• A -:prayer made,a Sacrament recei– ved·as it ougllt, a Fail: kept as it fu·ould, moves · theLord to gh-:e ablcffing;~ttd if thoudoelt not Ponere.