Preston - BT100 P8 1634

-------------------------------------~----~ The Simpli'Ci~ of Goo. "Men may pray much, and not aright. there be non~of us here, that neglect:·pr~yeno ·God morning and evening; that Jive as if there God in the World, and as if they were not ,his fi1bje61:s: if there be, God wlll wound the .:hairie fcalpe offuch. But thefe are not the tnen I fpcake to; but they are thofe, that doe it from day ~o day; they pray from time t0 , time, and omit it not; thefe are the mep, whornw,ee are to advertife in this cafe. Take heed, though you prayevery day,yet it may be thou hail: not made a prayer all thy life yet; and this is the cafe of many. For., if thou c0nfidereft what an ordi• .nanc.e is indeed,thou ibalt knowthat the LoaD dethnot reckon all petitioningas a prayer, nor fet it downe for the ordinance. And it maybe the cafe of th~ Saints fometimes, (though wee fpeake not now to them;) they may pray often, and yet the L o aD not regiil:er, nor fct it downe for a prayer; and :therefore it. may never come into remembrance before him. And this I take to beDavidscafe,in the.time of his "impeniten– cie for :his Adulterie> the ground of which)you fhall fee ' P fol. 5·I • .I 6, I 7. Open thou my lippu (0 L o RI>) and my mouth fhaU fot forth thy pr.1-i[e, &c. David, before bee came to repentance, had (as ic were) mifiaken himfclfe; he thought that he had praved, and offered a facrifice; but (faith IJe) I was deceived all this while, I was not able ~ to open my mouth, to any ptupofe ; therefore, l L o.n D; open thou my mouth : I brought fa. I ctifice in,but thou regardedfi it not,til my he~rt · 1 was humbled ; and then, a broken and contrtte \ , heart,