______ __ , ________ ,__ Go n · a Spirit. he~rt, 0 God> thou ttJilt not defl!ife• .Therefore yo.u deceive your felves, that goe on m a cu!lomane performanceof ~olydut.ies,and thi~ke that Y.o:1 . .pray or that dus w.orOupcon lifts m the fp1n r onely,whe.n as·your.outward man carries it felfe negligently; wh~ch is but a lame performance, for they mufr goe both toge.ther.Therefore looke. that it be the obedience ofan ordinance; which then it is, when ,nor onely the fpirit of a'man is well fet, but the whole man is applyed to the dutie ; that is, when all the flrengtb of a man1 goes toit. · . . If you fay, May not a man pray fometimes, . when he is walking,or ly ing,or ridingby theway, : or the like ? I an fiver: There be two times ofprayer; one· ~nf~~ i s ordinarie> and in private,when you may·h1we Two times of all opportunitie to doe it in a holy and folernne prayer. manner, and then you ought todoe itfolep1ne- . Iy. Tpe other is, whe~u prayoccalionally; and the~.e the occalion a9d difpofition doth not admit flJch outward fo~emnitic: as when,a man 1\ gives than~es at meat)or prayeth·when bee rides, · here the L o a o a<;cepts the will for the deed : Go o requires not this upon all OC?calions; yet when yohl may, youougbt to dbe·it in a reve– rent manner, nor onely of fpirir, but of thebody alfo. You -may gather it from C H 'R·t s l' s example, hee fell on his fa'ce and p-rayed,~ Luke 12 ·4 2.. r.u.~oz.•'f t. And of Daniel,and .Abraham·it is fa id, that they , bon,ed themftke.r to the ground. Further it is fard c f ,C H-,R Is T, that bee lifted up his eyeJ to•.Heaven, when: