I ·..ta -r. \ ·Ouejl. Ho;to·con1 ceive of God in prayer. e.An[w. The SimplicitJ 'of Go o. . I ----~=--------------------------- ~ ~:whenhe bleffed the Loaves. Why are thefe ge... f frures fet downe?Ifany man might be freed,IefUd \ 1 chriHmight~b~t it pleafeth theHoly-Ghoft to let downe d.latcircumfi:ance of him, that he fell on ,his face>and that·he lift uphis eyes to Heaven. Indeed, in this cafe, when it is burtfull t(') the · body,there it may be <Jmitted; theLordwillhave mercie rather than facrificc, even mercie upon your bodies. SoaHo,when you find that it hurts the inward man, and hinders it, when tfie heart doth it witheut ·deceit) that it may performe it the better,then there is a libercie left &.uuoyou to difpenfe with it. , As I fay forprayer,fo for other duties. When aman comes to heare the Word, bee faith, My . minde is intent enough,though I make not fiteh a fhew; yet notwithftanding, know this, that thou mull: behave thy felfe reverently,when thou commeil: before God. You thall fee in Luke 4· when chriHpreached, it is fa id, that the eyc1ofa!t the peDfle were fA.flened upb~t him.W hy is fi.tch a cor– poreall gefiure noted in the Text? is it in·v.aine? No; becaufe it isa comely-ge.fture,rherefore it is to be regarded. · How fhould wee conceive of G9d in prayer, feeing he is aSpirir,and a Spirit wee neve~ faw? What conceit and apprehenfion of God fhould wee have then, when wee come to call upon his Name? · Wee may not conceive him under any cor– poreall lbape, for bee is a Spirit: a?d therefore, . they that thinke they may worfhtp ·the hu~~.. , nttte