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. Go~ ~ Spirit. - ---------------------------------- nity,ofChrift disjoyned, are deceived.= ·we~are not to worlbip itas feparated from h1s Deuy; .forweeare towonbip the Trinity in theVnity, and the Vnity.inTrinitie,whichwecannot doe, 'ifweeworibtp his Humanity as feparated from bis Deitie. Therefore when you·cometo·pray beforeGoD, you mufi: fernember how Gad defcribes himfelfe to Mofes, :fxod.·3-+· 6~ and alfo elfcwhere; Thaihee if & Spirit, filling heaven and earth,.flio?rg,gruious, merciful!, full 9[goodneffe and truth, &.c. concerning. whom three .thing_~ are ro 45 Tbe humanity · of Clmfi a· not ~obe · wodhipped. be confidered .. · Firtl~tl1'aihc- isaSi:Hdr. .. . ·, · · . i ,. But how ·fhall I conce'iye.ofa 'S'pi~rif? " Obje~~ How.doeil: thouconcetve of the fou!e of antA~:fw. other man when thou fpeakei1 tohim ? rhou H~w to con~ never didfi: feeit, yet thou l{nmvdl: that there is.. ;i~tvc ofa fpa·' fuch a fpirit that fills the body, and that cloth · underftand what thou fai!l:, and fpeakes ro thee againe, fo remember this·6fthe Lord> that he is a fpirit: andremernb~r that expreffionconcerning him, /er. 23. 24. with this~ CawanymanhidehimIer.:. 3 2.4~ , felfe in furet placer; t~at l fhall not fee him, faith the . Lord?. Doen6t I fill hea'Lien and earthJai"th the Lord? : S'econdly,feeing tbe Lordfills heavenandearth as the foule fi.Us the body, therefore thou mu{\ The ro;;Jfills thinkofhim as one that fees all things, & heare§ heaven and · all things . Indeed theLord is not in the world, as eanh. · the foulcin in thebody, but in an .incomprehenfthle manner, whichwecannotexpre!fe toyou· yet this i~ an e~preHion whicluve may help~ ou:. , felves by, and 1s ufed.evcrywhere inScripture. Thirdly,_ .. ! ' .