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The &implicit§ tJf GoD. 3 Thirdly, fixe thy minde chiefly on his Attri· He is.power.. , butes,that he is a Spirit filling heaven and earth :ull, graGious, 'and he is exceedingfea~efull,pGwerfull,almigh~ &,. ty,exceeding gracious and long futfering, abun- .dant in mercy and truth, taat he bath pure eyes, · JJeut. s 4 • andcannot feeany iniquity: Deut. 24. So Ex1d. li.xod.34·*· 34· 6. As Mo{eJ'c_9uld not fee him, God would · .{hew him no fhape,but his Attribures,his backe ;parts; fo thou muft conceive ofhim,as a Spirit that is ex~eeding ftrong, potent, and fearefull, . one that will not hold tbe wicked innocent, bur • · {bewes mercy to thoufands of them that feare him: and to finnen, if they will come in unto him. And thus yeumufi conceive ofhim,whenyoucome before him. THE