Preston - BT100 P8 1634

/.; ..... ; ': ... . ~ - : ,. :· ·: ~ Exopvs J· 13, t4· . · 1 ; · AndM·tifesfaitl untoGo n; !Behold, when I come unto the Children gflfrael, ~md{hall r~ ~to them j The G 0 D of.,our Fat~ers h~thJent mee unto pou, and thty (ball (ay · unto me J What i$ hu Nam~? -ruh•t /ball I . {ay unto them? . 1'4- .And Goo/aid untoMofos, I AMTH.AT I A.w, &e. .., · A v 1 N a fini{hed that poin~~~. that Goaif a·Spirit, which is aparticular expreffionofthe Simplicity of God, · . wee come to fpeake of tpe Sjmpli 7 · · city it felfe : which is ·tnat ~ttribute, by whi£h .bee i.s one.mof.t pu~~- and ~ntire effenc:e , one ~<?ft~ jjinj?~:. being ivithost . ' . :: • - . . .,, " ...... . ' 11}/ . ...... - ........ '>' ......... ·'