Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Thegre4tnejle ofGod injxe things. Ibid. Tbet/tatneffisf6odprorc,•cdbyfqurereafonr. 1~·7 Vle 1. ro kno~our interefl in God, and'tsget an 1 anfwerablu greatneJ[eofminde. · . 129· whymen are led 11jidebyoutward things. I 3o HDW to cume to truegreatnejfe ofminde. I 37 Vfe 2-. 'I'Dfeare him for hisgrtatneJTe•- ·· · · . . I 40 Vfe 3'·- · - To thinke !IJD raffl:EUon.or obedience emNghforhim,and . thereforenottt~limitour.[eives. 14~ , Vfe 4· :To revereHcc~eforehim. I 4 f .... The feyenrh ·A-rT R r »v T E. Geds immenftty, · 1-47 3 ReapnsoJGodsinftnitep·reftnce. 148 Vfe 1-. 6 odgoverns the world·immediate!J;a remedy. againfl comflaint ofilt Governours. X-50 Vfe 2. · To choofo Gsd, tmd.rejsyce in-him, as afriend in •ll places. · . L5:l Vfe 3· ro fie a;groundof-Gods particular pYBuidencedn the f mallefl things. _ 1 54 Vfe+- To hepatientantl'meek in injuries offered by mm.r56·- . Vfe 5;e . Towalkewith 6srJ.; . I ' 59· Howw.c ar:epr~(entwith' G,d; . r6o How ttmake6QdpreJ¥nt;With'"IU;. I -6r: IWhy;