.,~------------------........,=o,-- Thc Simplicity of Go o . .all compojition; fo that there is no fub.ftance, Acctdmt, matter, forme, 6ody ·or foule in any . but bee is .every way moH: fimple, nothin~ i~ him)but what i~ God,what is himfelfe: The~ifc that it bath from hence, wee iball fee hereafter. All thofc phrafes of Scripture, where Go o 1s fa id to be love, truth, light, and wr'ftdome it felfe, all tbefe Chew the SimplicityofGo o : for-of no creature can you fay fo. The creature is wife, and juft, and holy, and true; hut t6 fay, it is love ttfelfe, truth it fdfe, light it felfe, or wife– dome it felfe, that cannot be attributed to any creature. So that this you mufi: know, that God 'is one mofl: pure., ·entire, anduniforme being or effence : I A 'M thewes t·hat he is a being ; and if we thouIdaske,what kind ofbe.ing he is; he is a mof\: fimple and uncompounded being. And Tbesi ..itlicity . that hee is fo, wee will make it cleareby thefe ofGodproved ; reafons: _. by6.Rcafons. 1 · · r. ·rh b h. . h. h , 'R.!_afon 1~ \ Becattle, 1 t . ere eman~· t mgs m. · lr:r'.' t ey There-are not muft not be the fame, bmdtffercnt ; tfdtfferent, many no~ dif· one bath feme perfection which the otherwants; feremd:u.fl"s ·rr. h · 11 b r. h. · c r.. • d in him. .31 1 10, t ere mun e 10met tng Hnperte~ m Go : 'R.!_.?.fon 1. There is no . multiplic:at i• on. for if the def€61: of that \Vere made up, it would be more perfea. If there bee two things in Gfld, thea there is multiplication; now all multiplicationarifeth from fome imperfe&ion~ fmm fome want and defect : for ifone would ferve, two would not · bee required. As if one could draw a fllip or J ·boat u·p the ftreame, two were needldfe ; if one med-icinewouldcure, two would bee unne– . _ ceffary; · ..._-=~ .