Preston - BT100 P8 1634

J ,_ The ·Simp1icifj ofGoo. . :cdfuy; fo in all thingselfe: f(> t'h~t the·reafonof multiplicati01'1, is becaufe~me ~iUno·cr~·t~e~t~e turn~. Therefo·re Goo betng aU-fu·fficient, It 1s .nGc needtall, yea it cannot be,that abreaking i'oto cwo {houid be adtnitted in him ; antl con'!e– qtrentfy,he·m·u-ffbe·mo£1: fimpl~;without' all ~ompofttion, a pureand entire e!fence, fell of him- . fclfe,and nothingbe-fides. _ If Go o fhoul\i'have Love in him;oftuHice,or · 7<e~f~ 3· .wi'td:omt ·or Li.t:'e or anyother qualit'ie different G~ulove)and ;• . . , . J'' . . . . . . , __ Wlfedomc,Btc. · from ·lu.s eifence, as thecreatures have tJ.lem, nee originally, net theml&be·wfiat·hee is,not'origina-Ilyb.fhinifel'fe, dcri,ativcJy. ,but derivatively, and bya particip~r'ion, arid·· (o .imperfeCtly:· as tobefired, is more· imptrfea i than to·be fire it felfe s t~beg~Iaed,is· mor~ im.. ·perf~& than·tobeGold'it felfe: .St) ~o , bewiCe, · lov·ing,boly,that is,tobe~nducd.widl·the quali.:. des ofwifdome,LD1Jt;Ho/iwejfe, is·more imperfect, than tobe·wi[JO.-e;and Lot:e;and 'I!oli~tejfe it felfe. ·Therefore tpere is not a fubfiance·and·a.qualitie ·in Go·o·,.as intnecrearure; but hee_·is L6v.e;arkl' · Li~~lrt,and wi[Jome,andTruth: and fo theScr:ip– ture expreffetn him. · . - Wherefoevert~ere is any co~pofition,there mulf 1.{e•fon 4. . be two or rhree thmgs,fo that there tnay be adi'Vi-/ Gildwithout j • fion; they are feparabJe)though not fepar~·t~d;but <empofitlon. jwhere di~ijion· ~ay b_e, the:e ~ay b~a ~iffilu#on, / . . defiruEtiOD)tnough It never·be:But ofGod 1 we. ca~n~t far, that t~is m_ay b~; ~n.4 co~re9qenr~ l I_y,. th~re c~nno_t':lJe tw~ th1~gs tnh~~, b.utwh~:·he .. tr,~b 1s o.nemolf.[tmple,rnoft pure;and moft entzr.c, I be_lng·w·Ithout aiJ ~omtofttiln andmultiplication: ~- . -D d --·-If: ~------------~--------~~--- I . ..