Preston - BT100 P8 1634

s.o n~Silnplie#Jof G 0 D· 1'7 .. ~ ·1!{ellfon ~· ' If Gon benotJimrle, .theremufl:bepartsof · :Godwitl1ouk "which hee is compounded Go D,Uej!ed · :pares. for ever, there .~re noparts, becauf~ then there n :; fl1ou Id be imperfection, fo; .everypare is im.. .. ~-fin 6~ ,. ·Gill.the fuft ·\tc!na<~ ., . . ; ' l. I. .. '-', f d . I •) perfect. · · · · Ag~itie, Parts·are in· order o£naturebefore the whole; but in~o D tbere or fecond,becaufe he ts limply firll. · Againe, Parts cannot be united andknit,and ; compounded together.,without ~aufes todoe it;. · Put here is no caufe to knit and .unite any part · together,b~caufehe is .without all ca.ufe,as haeh beene lhewed before. ,. I will CQndude diiswitha reafon.out"oftho Text, lfee- is a being: I A -Mh4th fent me unto' y~u. Ifbeeb~a being~ .then either the firll: or fe– C(!)nd being... Af~ondheing.hcecannntbe; for then there t'houJd-he fometnirig,before him,and· .. abov~ bim,uponwhich he-fbould bedependant:- , 01:1~-; therefore bee isabfolutely th:~ fidl: being. ·.Ada'tJ: indce4was thefir.Hm4n7 But GO» onelj the ffdl:.abfolute·being•.. Now·, ··- · tbe firftbeing,was ncver-inpollibilirie tobe: and, . . ~ therefore a. pUrea er, in regard ofhis e!fence~ .'; Againc, :th~re are no qualities fpringing from: , · llim : fodf ~her.e were ,,.they, ffiouJd :'Jlave ·had . j fntn~tim<:sno being; .~nd fo inportibilitie to ·.:: be, and·confeque.otly: ha:vc_a beginning, and be ) a creature : Th.erefore .tllere..js neither .Potentia '< fubflantia-lil, JJ0r- ttuidentA!il in h~rn;Jtnd fo-bee .. ·; · inuft l5e. p~rmaflm,as the Schoole-men fay~ and ~refo.reJiee , is .mofr..jimple,,without aJ1 :.-&ompo-~ ~ . f. . . · · · ·: ~ .. . ;rtton-.