Preston - BT100 P8 1634

... -~ - . , 7 "' - -.. ~-· · ... "1' -,...-'" ·- 1 - -- --x· , -- r' --rz_, .. ~ .· fi_tion. T:h!s l fP.eake to·SchoUers; for it ~samixt Auditone: and therefore ·you muft .gtve ~e.--a ·.Httle libertie. ·Now I .came ·to· tbofe Confcd'aries whi~' 1 flow from.laence ;-and they are thefe··three: · · -If Goo be fLtch aJvnple,jirftJpure, and 1Zhfo· C1n[eFJ:·t . lute. being • then· hence you.may fee, w'hat a ·see what • n. bl r. cl' • F · h h h ·· 11.' ibble founda-- J.(.a e 10un at ton our att at to re}t _upon : .ti~n faithhath Iweeare @uilt uron-che loweil: foundation inall to-:ret\upon. ;the world.; ·that is; upon . the fir n,. moft i~bfo- ..' . ' 1 lute, and jimple, and pt~re, andentirebeing; whic~ . .1Jay is--the lowefl: foundation, becaufe-it depenJs upon noother, but all upon it : and this 1 is anhappie .condition ofall Chriftians, andof -them alone. Angels, Men, Heaven and Earrh are foundations to fuch things as arebuilt up- - on them; but they themfelvcs are all built up– pn this, and therefore dependent; fo that if this· f.oundation lhake~it fclfe> (for fohe ~bath power .t~ doe) they all mull needes fall to ruine : But G oo is the firH,fvnple, and loweft foundatiou, 'being theJlrD, •bftlttte~ and ftmple being ; there– forebee,that is built upQn.him, hathd1egreateR: ftabilitie_; which is ,the tranfcendent happi– ·nelfe of Chriftians,aboveall men in theWorld. ·· t And this great ~ndexcellent priviledgeoftheirs, ,you fball i-nde, ·upon this ground, mAgnifi~d and fet forth in Pfal. 46. ·I, 2 . G,o D it ourhope Anti. flrength ; therefore-r~il ~ttfllt fet~rt, th~r~gh the EArth bee remO'Ved, Aild thot~gh tht Mount11.inu /la \ tArried ·into.tbe midH. of the StA, f!tc. As if hee .fhould.-fay; Though there afubv~dio~··of · D.d ~ . Kmg•• (,