Preston - BT100 P8 1634

I ' --!:~ · -= - The sT;plitity -;rG;, Do I --~--= ';, a~ a.noverthrow·ef ai:I the Chur- . . ·-·~-. l c)w.S,y~~,a§ortfufiopef He~ve.rr-andEarth, (as . i there tball be at the lafl: day;) though the Moun.- · 1 ·. t4i~J we.r~, rent from tl1eirf0undations, and eaR · _ints thp middle of the Se~t ; y.ct Chri.llians ihpu1d b.e fyre all th~ while: becaufe Go -D, who is the I ,..,• firiJ,4Gfol~te.,andji'llplebcing, andfothe loweft · foundation,is tbcirhope,andjlreJSgth; that is,he is a foundation lower than allthefc: that when all ~hefe things lhall come to ruine, y~t G oo dn ., ' C1n{eEJ. ~. God cannot be hindcr~"d in anyworkehec goc:sabeut. wborn we tnrll:, lhall be afurebelpe and comfort te all fucb 3S groundthemfelves upon him. Be– Iov~d,.this is tob~cooficlerc;d,that youmay know ' what yotJrcomfortis,anduponwhat foundation youare built. . . · I( Goo bemefi:jimp/e,wirhoutail GDmpojition; th~n this w i.ll follow, that he cannor be hindered iQany thiog that hee goesabout ro dae; but i$ tyQft in..t/.ep~J.'fnt, as inP.ting, fo in ~rking,by rea. (fmof!,is fi•plicitie. Ther€ is no .c::reature b\1t ~ ~CJY b~ bin.der~dsfor in~be bell oft~e creatures~ t~..wit,s~~Ang.el~, there is an-€ff'efl€e,~~a~n exe~ · p.Jtive,P{)W~rhy tvhiehth_eyworke: Even as y0p fee i~ iij tlle jit ; ther~ is the fubtl:anc;e efftre, w_hich h~~tetb not byit felfe, and thequalitie Qf ~e4~,byw~i:ehitwprk~s: 'N.ow,'Yh~t'? there are ~*'J~· d1ings~ ~ndeflcttaada facplti€ bywhieh it' worles; fomething may <:e{lle bctw~ene) and . qip~~r the W!uking and ~peratiGn. As iN the !l4V.,l~Ni.fh · Eurna~e ·, Go o fepattat€d betweene .: ·!~ ~~ ~pd. tli~ h~at, that.ii ·cotdtl'hot bume the ' tllQfl@~t were eall: into it, Dan. 3. · Sc:?.heedoth · . with