~- .~ •; "":· .. The Simplicit) ojG .o o. with the Angels , -hee ~omes betweerie th~ fub– ftance and the executive power,;md often lunders them from doingwhat they would.: aut inGod, feeing hee·is moll: fimple, and entire, there ·is nei· ·ther eifencc,nor executive power,(as the School– men .call it ) therefore there can nothing come b~tweene,to be an impediment; there is not any ·attion that he intends,but heworkes it abfolure– .Iy, and of himfelfe. Hence wee are to confider, thatwith that Go o which wee have to worfhip . and fe~ve, there is nothing .can come betw,eene, and hinder him inW6rking~outwhathewill doe, he doth: and therefore we fhould learne to feare · before him, and to tru£1: in him,.and toacknowS3 l ledge thegrea!!)effeof his power, ~nd to .kiJow the-grounds of ir. · ' · · .. · ~ - . · . · ··· -~· · ,. ) , .Hence likewife it foUowes, tb_at ·all~~~· At- :cmpe~ ~~· t~tbmes of G o r> areequaU among tbemfeiVes, That the At· not one higher than another, or larger tban ano- tributcsof~otl . h r. • f h b ft 1 d h , ' · arc cqoall,m .t ~r 3 r?r 1 • e · e smp1~, an . t er~ a~~ .. l!o·~~ .tv.r~ · his juftic:c,aud thmgs m htm, then·h1s Attnbutes,_.an~ hrs ef- hismcrcy,~c. . fence, and bimfelfe are the fame; and iffo,one cannot exceed another; his mercie isnot beyond his juffice, ~or his juflice beyond his r~ife.dome. Therefore thoughl he doth put forth one Aitri- .butc now,anothcr·then; yet wee moft not thinke that his mercie is greater than all his Attri– bute~ :. therefo~e that place in the Pfalmiff, Hil merczc u a6o"·e liU hii Jt?tJrku, is commonlymif– u?dedlood. The.meaning is not, that his mer1 1 n~ excee~e~ all hrs other Attribu~es; but~thaf hts mer&~e u 1ver., and upo11 •fl hu JiJorkes. As Dd 3 the-· . ... .. ' ·'!...·•""