The Simplicilj of GoD. Similt. th~warmth of the Hen is ot-·er all the cggei, tct , flow the mer.. ,w.arme, and cherifl;J,and hatch them; foG 0 D s . ~~~~~f~.i• ·mercie if ove1;allhit workeJ,tOcheritb,an&nourifh, werk'!so· and peifca them.;. tQ;l>t is,it is Chewed forth up011 l Y{e ~~ (TQ Jabour for · ~oncentcdne, ·; with the tim– ·~ pliGiti~ of e>ur , GCUtOili~n~. . f·. ' .\ ,, ... .... .1 themall. For it is no,t acomparativefpeech~at if his rnercie did exceed all his other Attri– butes ; for ifall his Attributes are himfclfe, tl1ey,muft..bc.eq~a~l;Jberc is no-difference in· re– gard of neighc or. largendfe:..between~ them. And thus the place is to -be underfiaod, for,(o the word fignifies in the originall, and-not,ac– cordingto.thecommoqac~eption.Somuch for the Confe.ltaries,.now~wce.will 'ome> to .ufes·of practife. _ · : . . t Jf s_impliciiiebe one ot'Godiexceliencics ;– theri Jet us labour to comeas heere to it aswee ca_n, ~Y.bringing_our l}ear.ts ~o becontent wit4 a· fimp,,licitie orc~ndiri~p ;: for this is a.fure ·rule; 'Tiif morecompfJ/ition an_dJivifion,thcmoreweakenrfftj th~ morf.i~Ppe/jmtnt;, an9 withaH, the more expo~ · Je.!-nelfo ~o{liffolf~tion. ttnd dcc~y•. Therefore God is 1 n1ot ' (ub'jeet ~ to weakene!fe and impediment in working, becaofe he is moll: fimiJle; not-having e(fence,.and fa.cultie.difiintt, fo that any thing· , _! ffi~ula e:ome bctwe~ne, .and ' hinder him ; and , tllereforealfo is he not cap3b1e of.diffQi1ution-:· And confctquently, the neerer anycome to this fimplicitie, they.are(l fay)1elfe weake, Icffe'fub jea to-impedim.en.t anddetlruclioA ;.and the fao~. fer,and llronger~a.nd happier theybe. As for ex- - · :tmpie ~the Angels,fofarreas th~y fall fuort o : th~ftmpJicitje oftheeternaJJ God,wbo-is h./-1fedfor_ ever~ _, ''