I : The.Simplici~ of Gen. . : ..e1.:er, fe far they are fupjecltoall thi~; ; they-hav~ ---:--- facukies different from-.their effences, and one f · from.another, as underj/:anJint., Jllill, and their execilti1:epcwer: hence ·they are fubjed: ,taweak– ·ne£fe ; -f.or they mayfall inte linne, as youknow ·the fir!l: Angel-s did)and their facul.ties-jarredone · with another,and fell outdf tune·: and having an ' .executive power, they are alfo fubjefl te impe- . dimenr;~hence neither thegood Angels,nor the · I bad, ·can?oewhat theyw0uld, but ~hey a~e and . i. rnay.behmdred. ' ln the next placeconfider man, wheas bee is . muchmorecempounded·than the A-ngels,-foh~ -is more weak,more fubjeCl: to impedimenrjmore ·. Jiab!e todecay and ruine, a·s ficknelfe,difiemper, · •crolfes)-deatjl: for bee bathnot onelya.-ratio'!aO faculc.y, as ,tbe An.gelsd~ilvt:,·hut fenficive alfo; a fenfttic:e mem.ry, a{tlfjitt'I.J.t.fAncit' and a ftn_~t'iw · ·11fpetite; hebath alfo~rbodyconlifringof~ivers' members, needing many exrernall helps; as aire~ ·dyet,houfes)exercifes,and fo .he<i sfubjeet toma-'· fnyw.eakneffes, many~burts, rnanyimpedi~ent-s ~ and loffes ofall forts . : '· ·' . · f But you will fay, this is·amansnaturall con• ·-.dition,which cannot be.cban_ged, andhow !hall this behelped? ,. . ,\ · . l. A. naturaltcon~i~ion c~nno~beth~nged, but 'tt may beex~eedmgly help'd, ifwee bring our 'heartsro_be~Qnten~witb ~fimplicityofc;onditi· :on,t~at u; lftbe,dtfpolitiOnohhemindbefuch ,tbat.tt·he not ?ependent upon~any things, but. upon few; .duusdonewhen t~ thoughts and D d 4 aifecHons 1 .·y A