The Simplicity of Go n. affeetions of the minde ·doe not lye fcattere~ . banging or lying upon this or that thing, fo tha~ you cannot live without it ; but when rhe mind is recolleded and gathered up, . fo that you.can ·be coritent with a fimplicity ofconditiQn, wirh · T? be content GoD alone ·for you~ portion; ·fo that you can io'!: ~~1~~t live with ex~eding llttle, not requiring a mul– dep~~donma4 ~itudeofthings, upon which the contentment, · ny things. and fatisfa6l:ion of the ininde doth depend. As for example; fame men cannot live without fports and pleafure, and a great living to.main- ~ taine., them: another mu£\: have great learning .; .a,nd .gifts, ·.and · eminenci~; and praife that fol– loW'(s ·i~ 3 · another hath·his heart- fo ·wedded to a convenient houfe, wife, children, compa– nions,&c. that ifanyofthefe be taken away, he is dead in the neft: not tofpeake of tbeirvaine, bafe, diftemperedaffeilions~ who mull have-an hun9te.d thing1; their fancie 'is•infinite~ and all Jl1Uft b~e to ·their minde, or e:Ife they are lHll . <=:<>mplaining. •Now. the more things a man neqd~s, _ the iflOre compound; ·an~ldfo ftmple _ bee is, (as'I may fa fay) and ccinfeqtlently, the -; w~aker.h.e is; and moreapr tobe.hi·~dred, more apt tobe~bur.t.and tlifquieted ; becaufe if you . ·touch any of that multitude of th!ngs, -upon · ·whkh p~~ b~3tt'i~fet,haeisprefentllftioub!ed; . whiah . is·Jhe ·.e~GI.Wr done; ,as :tbe -thin'gs· are ' more, upon which his atrettions _ ~re placed: bu~ b.ei£bel}, who is c0rile .to that felfe fuffici.:. encieofminde;'w'it~ dia't~fiinplicitiC!-of -condit-ion, t~atbeecanTay ofanyof ::. - ; · · thefe ~· . ~ -• :