Preston - BT100 P8 1634

' .. The Simplicity ofGo o. tke[e things j I :can live by them ·and ~with?ut them, I can live.withou.t liberty, I can ltvewtth– ont friends, .I .can live withoutfpottts and plea- . fure, without worldly credit; aad efieeme;witn- . out wife a-nd children, .without riches;: _w-ithout conveniencie ofaire, Garden) Orchards. This is theconditiontbatwefhouldlabour to grow up to: and the.rieererwce-'growup_ to it, the better we are, and the.fa:fer~is our conditi9n.: . · · BuN,ill you not have us toufe;fuch things? · ObjeltJ ·, Ye-s, but not to be.wedded to them, but fo .An[\\1~. ·weaned from tbemj .that you-may ufe them, as To ufe ~ut· ..ifyou uftd .them not ; ·wh'ereas there . are· fome ;i~hd::~~~d that·have. their heans foglued 'to.,th'em; that it hearts. - breakes their , hearts ., .wh«n they have their friends;.. or children, or efiates, .or credit faile. them; o$ if they be hindered from their livings,, pleafureand conveniences :but he is in the bappieCl and befl: condition, whocan livealom;, and dn bee contentwith Godalone; that ~aq fetch ., fomudlcomfort and1helpefrom h'im; that 'hee .carihce\yitHoqtfriend·sandco~pat\iops, with.: outwife; ,and~hildr~q; :tnd '.ifhee be .put infO a_ Cduntry Towrte farre.from all futable acquain- ·rh b 1'1... • I r. · fl: SbNilt~. tan~e-? .yea, 1 : e ~-e, w~t u.P~n ~,c.~1epi'IIon,.:yet he-e-€an walkie wrth _6'1d; and doe as Pau/and ·£ilas:, have his heart filled 'with j_oy an4peace thm~gh - bcieeuing~ , This .is .the fafety , and ; ~ 1 ,. _ ' dreiigtk ·of~·~~~ :;. ~.?:Jv~~ ·aJ._ th~ ~aqy,- ~h~ ~rl~~~· 1 , (, mo~ fi~~e '-~~:.~~'- ·,e ., ~~<?!r~:-~lp~:, ~_:i~ : nee~es,~ ! and t~~ la~~1,;~ ~s~ ~~~~feT, ~~o~S.t~ tnu~-~~ve~ : one fer-hiS anne, ,a-nOtb~r for~h1s legges·;. ana.;., ~ · · .. · ther · ..·•