.. \5:8 ·The S~mpli&i' of.Gol)· ; -ther for his..ba£ke s whereas -a ,{l:rong man can I w~Ike ~pon.his owne legges, bee needes no other.he).pe .: even fo the feule, themore ficke and lame it is, the more it needs; ,but hewhich •· ---:---- ·- · .~ath a tl:rong inward man which is inhealth, · · let himhave .God,.and fhift .. him from ve.Ifell to ve!fell, from condition to condition, let him be ..ft~ippedofall, yet bee can goe uponhis owne · legges, and can live.withouc.aU. So faith the. Fml~-+ > ApoftleP.4u!,-:Phi/.4. :1have leArned inn;hat e.ffate : ·. foever Jam, therert~ith to he content: that is, riehcs :~ · or not rich.cs, 'honour.or .not honour, yet .his "' rninde hadabottomcofbis·owne, thafhecoulq ,. ftand upon, andbehappy without them. Thu~ ·- ,;! fay, the more a ~ansaffeaion is inlarged eo a . multitudeofthings, theweaker-~e is,and more . fubjea.·to be difquieted by.any t.bing :.but.-the rmorehis mind is.contrallecl,an<t.gatbe~cd into·a :.narrow cornpa-ffe, and .content with .a greater ' dimplicity ofcondition,the faferand lhongerhe : ·is,and'le!fe fubjed: to be difquieted.by anycrea– ·ture; becaurekt~mewhatwill come,whatfo- • ever.condition'he is put into, he bath abottome . . to-fi:and upon, bee bathfomething tocomfort ' 'hiSheart. • obj;tl. But how lhall:a man get his minde to fucha frame? · .. _ · eA•fit~ Youhavea·meanes-For this prercl-ibcd 1 Tim. ·Godlinetfc ,· 6. 6. Getllineffe~uh ttmtent iJ 4grt~ttg11ine :.that i~, ~:!:.dcth ~on· --~o~lineffe . ;is alw~ye~ joyned w~t~ . to~tentm,tnt, · .1~ lS ·~fwayes thecaufe~f tiHttn~"!tnt, and thereforegrt~t&~ine. So then, be.a godly man, that ' ' is, ""' - ( /