Preston - BT100 P8 1634

--------=:::----~-------_...._ ____ , TkeSimplitityofG o·o: · is; make thy ·heart perfeCt with Go D, fervc and fearehimalone,be content-with him alone for · your portioni he isall-fuflicienr,his-communion· .. ·will breed contentment andfat'isfaeHon enough ~ " to thyheart, fo ·that thou ilialt be·able ·ta live witha very £lenderoutward condition. And thiS'· is the o~ely meancs to have the minde drawne · : from thefe things thatother men·are foglued ·to; . - ··· I to Jabour .to,be content with Go D alone; to·· ·· ·: l : fervc,and ~fear-e him,to-grow up tohim-moreand more; for .hee isall-fufficicnt: there is no .fuch< way in the VVorld .to contraa·die m·inde, _as ·to have Goo to be knit to him, to ferve and feare him, and eo be-a-lfured of.his- favour and love in ·r. aH conditions. Beloved,what-a miferable thing · is it, tohave a changeable bappinelfc, for aman to be fo·dependent upon·many thingswhieh are fo exceeding mutable? ·Therefore it fhou·ld be – ourwifedome, tobringour minqe.s· to be content witb~a .narrownetfe or fcantncffi~"or fimplici:tie ofcondition, to ler the2 minde be arawne into as narrow a cornpalfe as maybe ; and fo . I to come as neere to ·this excellencie of.G o », a~.our· p~efe.nt·humaneconditionwill well pe-r-_,· , mtt u~• . - · · · 2· ·Seeing it is faid, lle'ye ·perfeEr.u )fJurht4vcnlj ' Vft ~.;·: . F4ther,il,perfe8, holy as bee i5 holy., and good·or·kinde · Labo_u~ ~or . h ·u. . 1 . . n 1. 4 • ' fimplu:me-and t(J· ~ e tvt , as· Jee-- ts, c~u;,ng tmRame 'tO fall upon · finglcneifcof.. them;.snd hil Sunneto fbine upon them: ·Soupon~he heart. .· ~f~e · gr~ndwee may fay, Btfimple 'M hee i!Jim· – lt; thatts,youmu·ftrlabour rog!owup to a fim- · p~kitie ofminde :-·and though iUch·ajimp/iii~ie ~ as