Preston - BT100 P8 1634

60 Th8 Simplicil1 ofGoo. as is inAlm-ightie-God, you cannot reach to ; yet to have a heart 'immixed, to be cleanfed from .drotfeas theGold is , fil'Ch a fimp#citie of minde .you fhould labour to get; a thing often ~om--mended in Scripture. What this simplicitie is, .we have briefely touched heretofore;but we will now9pen it to you more fuiiy. ·'fwo things in There are two things required to fimtlic#ie,or fimplicitie. jinglenejle of heart. . , x That the heart lqoke but upon one fingle objed:. . 2. That it be.cleanfed from all admixture of £infull atfecHons ; as Gold is faid to be fimple, .... · ·.when it is cleanfed from droffe,and the aire from ..darkneffe, that fo the frame ofit may be fitted tQ , ·I The heart mull: looke but .upon one: ou~ jcS:. · l41111oto8• · Double~min· · ded man,who. dot! fo. . For the firfi:,I pray you marke that in1Am. I .8. .A double-minded man if unHable in all hit ff!IZ)eJ: •\~p .t;.J,,x,@-,JI'Jf.msrtTlP', &c. Bya double-mi11ded man there is meant onc,whofe minde hangs betweene a double objett,fo that bee knowes not which of tbe two is more eligible; his minde is in an even Ballancc,where neither Scale doth preponderate : On thecontrarie,he is a fimple or fingle-hearted man,who is not thus divided betweene two ob– je6ts,.but he fo refolve~hand pircheth upgnone, that he fubordinates all the other to it. As for example; adouble-mindedman hath ·aneye to ·G.Qo a,ndbis <:redit, to G.o D and his pleafure, to Go».and hi~ frienq~;. hewould faine grafpe both, and is willing to p.a-rt ·vtith neither: fuch .antan go~snot_ firaight on~bllt h~e walkcs une~ ·. . .venly