venly ·in .h.ii c~urfes, ;.1§..,.,t'PJ'f'.~ ; ' fometim~ lt ! may lbe, ·white ~bee .is quiet, and n~ t~mptauon .d(i)tfu aifaifelhim 3 th·en be-e wa'l 1 kes with G.od by~ - ftraiN-ule; btu le-t a temptationc0me, and p_at . hfu1 t0 ir, rhen:hee fi:eps 01.1·t ·0f the·way, bee will not let his creditor his f>rofitgoe. As aweather- . ~ocke; let tberebe no-winde at aU,aad it ·ftands _ fiiii, likea fixe thing; but as foone as tbewi~de · comes,i·t tu-rnes about :·So is irwit~ fuchaman; . while hee is quiet, while Religion cofishim n<:);. ' · tbing,heewalkeson in an even way; but let a ternpt·atioil come and a!fault him, a-nd then be- · .:-eaule bee ·ha·th not a fipgle obje6l:,up()n wb'ich_ hee is refolved , therefore bee goes out, and w~lkes unevenly. Tbecontrarie to thisdoth bee that bath pitched-upon oae Qbj~tt, upon ·Go4· alone; faith, Let m~ ~a~e the·ZlJril ait>ne, and Heaven alone ·, though I have :no ·m·ore ; thus I have pitched, thus 1 thave refolve9 , tbat let w'bat will C<?me;I will part with al1; when iteomes int?cempetit16nwitht~is ~... B·~1~ved, ·.y.ou never·have a' :fhlg~e heart~ · t!UiWW_.· ,'Tflis finglene[f'e ef-he..ert, D•ttvid ·expreffet~ in. himfe·Ife, Pf..el. 27. 4· On-e thittg b.tfJe I J~red, ·thAt I will 1equire, that I m~j d~eu in ·~he Hof!fo41f tile -?ordaU· myd4yt}i~nd1;ehl!d '-thf~e4u-tie: ·thafis_;T~is one thing have I' ch~fen, i ·have pitched -upbh ir, 1:· eare for n9thing befides ; ifodi~r things oome; f~ it is, but ~his I -requir:,e, that I may walke · . wtth.t~e ~e-r~; tpat;Jcf'nay·h'e in hilHoufo ·au my uy~1: that t~jthat r fiiliyen}oy t-he ufe of -aodJ .ordtnanoes ,- and walke with him·· ~: . and behold· ~ '· hiJ . \ .~-;